Editing Education


Equine Photographers

Chelsea Lothrop Photography is proud to offer an education subscription channel exclusively dedicated to helping other equine photographers learn and refine their skills and take their work to the next level.

No expensive masterclass; no expensive one-on-one mentorships. Just


for unlimited access to a channel of interactive, ever-expanding education

designed specifically for equine photographers.

Videos uploaded weekly.

A little something for everyone, from beginner to advanced.

Topics are categorized by skill level, including:

Level 1: Setting a Foundation

Setting up a custom workspace to streamline your workflow

Organizing layers & files

Basics of

  • Layer masking
  • Adjustment layers
  • Blend modes

Creating custom actions & adjustment brushes


Level 2: Implementing Techniques

Using dodge & burn to enhance coats

Color correction for consistent coat colors

Editing eyes

Floor replacements

Using adjustment brushes to enhance details


Level 3: Refining Your Skills

Ear/eye/leg swaps

Masking tricky details like hair & whiskers

Complex color correction (including frequency separation)

Creating realistic-looking composites

Liquify & puppet warp



The Photographer

I’m Chelsea. Equal parts horse nerd, camera nerd, and Photoshop/Lightroom nerd. I started my photography business in 2016 and I knew that I wanted to ONLY photograph horses. No families, no weddings, no engagements... just horses. By 2021, I quit my corporate job to pursue equine photography full-time and never looked back.

The rest:
  • Got my start in editing playing Horseland way back in the day (IYKYK)
  • Bay gelding person
  • I love NEED lavender in my coffee
  • If you invite me to your house, I will spend an hour sitting on the floor with your dog

The Channel

This channel aims to help other equine photographers learn and refine their editing skills, particularly for the ever-popular black background or fine art style of photography.

My goal is for this to be a fun, interactive channel that grows over time to provide an ever-expanding knowledge base filled with the information that YOU want to see.

Comment or DM to ask questions or request coverage on specific topics–I'm all ears!